Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
U.S. out of the U.N. & U.N. out of the U.S.
Egeland said that the US pledge of a starting point of $15 Million is stingy. Stingy? The United States of America provides more assistance to the world than all other countries combined! Egeland even had the balls to suggest that taxes on US citizens should be raised! After there oil for food scandal they have the nerve to criticize us! Just how corrupt does the UN have to become, before we kick it out of the U.S.?
We are the F'n UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Goddammit! Kiss our ass or get the hell out! We bend over for no one. The USA is the King of the World! NOT the U.N.! The United Nations is our tool. Know your roll and shut your mouth. (And drag your sorry ass over to France) P.S. Kofi Annan gets to be first in line for the bus out of town!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
The Pull Your Head Out Of Your Ass Award for December 2004
Police stressed that they do not advise that people go out onto the ice themselves because they might end up in the water along with the person they're trying to rescue. So this Unidentified Woman almost killed 2 dogs, 2 anonymous people, and her self on the day after Christmas Just because she found putting a command and control restraint on her animals was to much of a hassle. This is one of them odd cases I hope she is stupid. It will piss me off even more if she was just lazy!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Screw The Children!
Lover boy failed to tell his probation officer that he recently had sex with a woman. That's a probation violation. And it happened just before his civil commitment hearing where a judge would have decided whether he should be locked up indefinitely as a dangerous sexual psychopath.
With the new violation and a mountain of other evidence, Sex God: Michael Gimmestad struck a deal with prosecutors. He agreed to be civilly committed to the State Hospital in St. Peter as long as the state doesn't label him a dangerous sexual psychopath.
WHY? Just why the hell do we "DEAL" with this sissy piece of human waste. In CRUEL KEV'S court of justice this Jackass would get 50 sledge hammer blows to the nuts. (and jail time to boot)
Check out Sweet Michael's rap sheet...
1982- he sexually molested a little girl at the library.
1983- he attacked a boy again at the library, covering his mouth to muffle the screams.
1987- he molested 3 more children
1989- a 5-year-old relative, he put gas in the boy's mouth and threatening to light it if he talked. Gimmestad went to prison, got out, raped again, and went back.
Now some body explain to me why we shouldn't label this piece of shit as a dangerous sexual psychopath!!!
Michael J. Gimmestad, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies/HESAL
University of Northern Colorado
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Iraq Needs Sports
And who would want to blow them selfs up before the play offs! OH!!! Wait a minute. The NASCAR Camel series starts next month! And then women's Beach Tetherball! Ooh La La!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
SAN DIEGO Sailor Refuses To Deploy
Petty Officer Third Class Pablo Paredes, 23, arrived on time at the 32nd Street Pier in San Diego, but instead of wearing a uniform, he had donned a shirt that said Like Cabinet Member, I Resign, which is what he did on Monday.
"I'd rather do a year in a prison in the military than do six months of dirty work for a war I don't believe in -- and not many people believe in -- and get Marines in harm's way," Paredes told NBC 7/39. "It's sad to me that some people don't understand what I'm doing, dont understand that this fight takes a lot more courage and that I'm fighting for the very people that they're putting in harm's way."
Now I don't care what weapons control technician Third Class Paredes religion is or what his politics are, He is a Sailor in the Greatest Navy in the history of mankind, The United States NAVY!
His duty is to his Ship the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) and his Ship Mates! This Jello spined Puss! Should be taken to the fan tail and FLOGGED 100 lashes! THEN busted down to pay grade: E-1, Restricted to the ship for the rest of his enlistment, then given a dishonorable discharge AND THEN do his "year in a prison" This Fricken Prick makes me sick! Put a dress on the cock sucker and send him back to the Bronx!
Fit to Fat and on my way BACK!
A person realy can do anything he or she puts there mind to!
Friday, December 17, 2004
NOT Ha Ha Funny
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Living in Glass Houses and Throwing Stones
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Friday, December 10, 2004
Dog Bites Man