Friday, September 30, 2016
Chinese Airline Warns Passengers To Stay Away From Blacks, Pakistanis And Indians In London
Air China has reportedly stocked all of their airplanes with a magazine containing advice warning Chinese tourists to avoid minorities while traveling in London. The Chinese airline’s monthly in-flight magazine for the month of September warns passengers to exercise precautions when “entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people.” The magazine was included as part of the in-flight entertainment for a flight to London. The remarks in the monthly publication titled “Wing Of China” also advised visitors to refrain from going out alone at night and for female visitors to never travel alone regardless of the time of day.
British politician Virendra Sharma issued an official statement saying: “I am shocked and appalled that even today some people would see it as acceptable to write such blatantly untrue and racist statements.” He has demanded that the magazine be pulled from Air China’s twice daily flights to and from the UK. He has invited representatives of Air China to tour the area and show them that it is safer and more secure than they believe. He states that if they refuse his offer he will be: “forced to question whether Air China is a fit company to operate in the UK.” There has been a 46% increase in the number of flights from China to the UK last year. Meaning that losing approval from the British government could have massive financial repercussions for the airline.
British politician Virendra Sharma issued an official statement saying: “I am shocked and appalled that even today some people would see it as acceptable to write such blatantly untrue and racist statements.” He has demanded that the magazine be pulled from Air China’s twice daily flights to and from the UK. He has invited representatives of Air China to tour the area and show them that it is safer and more secure than they believe. He states that if they refuse his offer he will be: “forced to question whether Air China is a fit company to operate in the UK.” There has been a 46% increase in the number of flights from China to the UK last year. Meaning that losing approval from the British government could have massive financial repercussions for the airline.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
ISIS Fighter Rewarded With Sex Slave Foursome For Ratting Out His Own Brother
In a desperate bid to maintain loyalty in its crumbling so-called caliphate, ISIS is buying sex slaves for terrorists who shop fleeing fighters. Abu Al-Mughaira Al-Muhajer – who was captured by rebel fighters in Syria – revealed he had received three slave girls as a sick thank you gift after he turned in his own brother. Earlier it was uncovered the Daesh group had been selling wives of rebel fighters and women from ISIS-seized territories as sex slaves. However Al-Muhajer said the terror cult was also in the business of buying slave girls to reward loyalty.
He said: "After I informed on my brother who wanted to leave ISIS, I was rewarded with three slave girls – one from Damascus and two from Homs. "They told me that the girl from Damascus was a Yazidi and that the two girls from Homs were Christians. "They told me that they had been captured, but it turns out they were wives of FSA fighters from the Islamic Front. "The Islamic State would buy slave girls and give them as rewards. "All of them had been beaten on their backs." Just days ago the terror cult called "a state of emergency" after a number of successful coalition strikes weakened their last stronghold in Mosul. Earlier this year it was uncovered that ISIS, in a bit to stay afloat, had turned to selling the organs of sex slaves. It comes after reports Daesh fanatics had begun selling sex slaves on Facebook to bankroll their terror acts. Al-Muhajer added: "Whenever they took captives, they would bring slave girls, and they would place them on the slave market in Raqqa. "Afterwards, they would sell them for dollars. "Their price would range from $250 to $500."
He said: "After I informed on my brother who wanted to leave ISIS, I was rewarded with three slave girls – one from Damascus and two from Homs. "They told me that the girl from Damascus was a Yazidi and that the two girls from Homs were Christians. "They told me that they had been captured, but it turns out they were wives of FSA fighters from the Islamic Front. "The Islamic State would buy slave girls and give them as rewards. "All of them had been beaten on their backs." Just days ago the terror cult called "a state of emergency" after a number of successful coalition strikes weakened their last stronghold in Mosul. Earlier this year it was uncovered that ISIS, in a bit to stay afloat, had turned to selling the organs of sex slaves. It comes after reports Daesh fanatics had begun selling sex slaves on Facebook to bankroll their terror acts. Al-Muhajer added: "Whenever they took captives, they would bring slave girls, and they would place them on the slave market in Raqqa. "Afterwards, they would sell them for dollars. "Their price would range from $250 to $500."
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
No Post-Debate Letdown for Trump
If Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s debate performance on Monday left much to be desired, it didn’t show at a rally on central Florida’s east coast a night later. Trump drew perhaps his biggest crowd in Florida’s I-4 corridor at the Melbourne International Airport before a crowd of thousands under a backdrop of threatening weather. After giving remarks in remembrance of Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez and legendary professional golfer Arnold Palmer, Trump hit his usual chords on the economy, keying in on trade in particular. Part of that included hitting his opponent Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. “You can’t allow TPP to happen,” Trump declared. “It will be a catastrophe. Nothing will be as bad as NAFTA, but this one will be close. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for TPP and the destruction and continued destruction of American jobs. America’s jobs are in deep trouble.” In addition to trade, Trump hit Clinton on being the candidate of yesterday. “It’s been 30 years of disappointment on foreign policy, on domestic policy, on helping women, on helping children. She’s done nothing.
She had in the Senate — she had a couple of named bills and she named a post office, and I think that she named a road. she named something. She did nothing and she was terrible. The only thing that she succeeded at is helping her donors and covering up her crimes. That’s what she’s succeeded at,” he said as the crowd broke into chants of “lock her up.” “Her single greatest achievement in my opinion will go down as getting away with the horrible crime that she committed with her classified information and her phony email and her illegal servers, and getting away with that when nobody else has and lives have been destroyed,” he added. “Let’s see what happens.” The GOP nominee reflected on his visit to the Little Havana community in Miami earlier and vowed to push for reforms in communist Cuba. “I will be a voice of freedom that includes freedom for people in Cuba,” he said. “Cuba is not — it’s not right what’s going. It’s not right.” “This afternoon I spent a lot of time in Little Havana — an amazing place. President Obama had a one-sided deal for the Castros for nothing in return,” he continued. “Did you ever see this guy make a decent deal for this country? And you know what? ‘Crooked Hillary’ will be worse. She’s going to be worse than Obama, mark my words. She’s going to be worse than Obama and that’s why on November 8, you can’t let it happen.” Trump went on to use the circumstances in Cuba as a segue to attack what he deemed to be the corruption of Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton.
My administration will be a voice against oppression in this hemisphere. Those who lived in these countries also understand the dangers of corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton, who used government power for personal profit. Bill and Hillary Clinton were paid $150 million for speeches to special interests since Bill left office. Bill Clinton was being paid to give speeches by many of the same people who had matters before the State Department while Hillary was secretary of state. Clinton donors got favorable treatment and access to the State Department. It’s called pay for play. Our secretary of state can be bought or bribed or whatever you want to call it or sell trades to the government or favors or access. And I’ll tell you, when that happens our whole system is threatened and we have to stop it on November 8. Remember when you go to vote, don’t vote for “Crooked” Hillary, just put it in your head, “Crooked” Hillary. She is a crooked one. America can never elect a candidate like Clinton who put her public office up for sale. Hillary Clinton tried to cover up her crimes by deleting 33,000 emails after a congressional subpoena and destroy her phones, some of them with a hammer.
Trump took aim at the so-called establishment by pointing to Election Day and promising a winning outcome. “The arrogance of Washington, DC will soon come face-to-face with the righteous verdict of the American voter,” Trump said. “We’re going to do it. We’re going to do it. This November we’re going to show the whole world that America is back, bigger and better and stronger than ever before.” This is Trump’s sixth appearance in the Sunshine State since the Republican National Convention, suggesting the campaign sees the state’s 29 electoral votes as essential in securing the presidency. In addition to the Melbourne rally, Trump has appeared in Pensacola, Ft. Myers, Tampa, Kissimmee, and Ft. Lauderdale. Trump lobbied attendees to get out and vote and he is going to need every vote he can get. He is currently locked in a dead heat with Clinton in the state of Florida. According to the Real Clear Politics average of Florida polls, Clinton leads by just six-tenths of a point in the closing week of September.
She had in the Senate — she had a couple of named bills and she named a post office, and I think that she named a road. she named something. She did nothing and she was terrible. The only thing that she succeeded at is helping her donors and covering up her crimes. That’s what she’s succeeded at,” he said as the crowd broke into chants of “lock her up.” “Her single greatest achievement in my opinion will go down as getting away with the horrible crime that she committed with her classified information and her phony email and her illegal servers, and getting away with that when nobody else has and lives have been destroyed,” he added. “Let’s see what happens.” The GOP nominee reflected on his visit to the Little Havana community in Miami earlier and vowed to push for reforms in communist Cuba. “I will be a voice of freedom that includes freedom for people in Cuba,” he said. “Cuba is not — it’s not right what’s going. It’s not right.” “This afternoon I spent a lot of time in Little Havana — an amazing place. President Obama had a one-sided deal for the Castros for nothing in return,” he continued. “Did you ever see this guy make a decent deal for this country? And you know what? ‘Crooked Hillary’ will be worse. She’s going to be worse than Obama, mark my words. She’s going to be worse than Obama and that’s why on November 8, you can’t let it happen.” Trump went on to use the circumstances in Cuba as a segue to attack what he deemed to be the corruption of Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton.
My administration will be a voice against oppression in this hemisphere. Those who lived in these countries also understand the dangers of corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton, who used government power for personal profit. Bill and Hillary Clinton were paid $150 million for speeches to special interests since Bill left office. Bill Clinton was being paid to give speeches by many of the same people who had matters before the State Department while Hillary was secretary of state. Clinton donors got favorable treatment and access to the State Department. It’s called pay for play. Our secretary of state can be bought or bribed or whatever you want to call it or sell trades to the government or favors or access. And I’ll tell you, when that happens our whole system is threatened and we have to stop it on November 8. Remember when you go to vote, don’t vote for “Crooked” Hillary, just put it in your head, “Crooked” Hillary. She is a crooked one. America can never elect a candidate like Clinton who put her public office up for sale. Hillary Clinton tried to cover up her crimes by deleting 33,000 emails after a congressional subpoena and destroy her phones, some of them with a hammer.
Trump took aim at the so-called establishment by pointing to Election Day and promising a winning outcome. “The arrogance of Washington, DC will soon come face-to-face with the righteous verdict of the American voter,” Trump said. “We’re going to do it. We’re going to do it. This November we’re going to show the whole world that America is back, bigger and better and stronger than ever before.” This is Trump’s sixth appearance in the Sunshine State since the Republican National Convention, suggesting the campaign sees the state’s 29 electoral votes as essential in securing the presidency. In addition to the Melbourne rally, Trump has appeared in Pensacola, Ft. Myers, Tampa, Kissimmee, and Ft. Lauderdale. Trump lobbied attendees to get out and vote and he is going to need every vote he can get. He is currently locked in a dead heat with Clinton in the state of Florida. According to the Real Clear Politics average of Florida polls, Clinton leads by just six-tenths of a point in the closing week of September.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Navy Publishes Guidance Warning Sailors Not To Protest National Anthem
In the wake of two sailors going public with their decision to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement by refusing to stand when the Star Spangled Banner is played, Navy Reserve Forces Command today published guidance warning troops that they can be punished or prosecuted for such protests. A message directed at active-duty sailors and reserve personnel on active duty cites Navy Regulation 1205, which mandates that personnel in uniform must stand at attention and face the flag when the national anthem is played. It also notes that a Navy administrative message published in 2009 requires Navy active-duty personnel in civilian clothes to face the flag, stand at attention, and place their right hand over their heart. "Additionally, Sailors receive training on the appropriate usage of social media, and must not use it to discredit the Naval Service, and should be reminded it could potentially be used as evidence against them," the guidance continues, a message apparently directed at the two sailors who published posts on Facebook about their protests.
Failure to comply with these regulations, the message said, is punishable under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and constitutes commission of a serious offense -- grounds for administrative separation from the service. "While military personnel are not excluded from the protections granted by the First Amendment, the US Supreme Court has stated that the different character of our community and of the military mission requires a different application of those protections," the guidance states. The actions taken regarding the two sailors who engaged in separate protests have not been publicly announced. In late August, a sailor attached to the Naval Air Technical Training Center at Pensacola, Florida, posted a video to Facebook of herself sitting down during the base's morning "colors" ceremony, which quickly received viral attention on the social media platform. Naval Education and Training Command officials confirmed the sailor, who has not been publicly named, had been subject to administrative action, but had been retained for service in the Navy. And Sept. 21, Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin, an intelligence specialist based in Hawaii, wrote in a public Facebook post that she was being punished by the Navy for remaining seated for the anthem two days earlier. A spokesman for Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam said only that actions regarding Ervin are under review.
Failure to comply with these regulations, the message said, is punishable under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and constitutes commission of a serious offense -- grounds for administrative separation from the service. "While military personnel are not excluded from the protections granted by the First Amendment, the US Supreme Court has stated that the different character of our community and of the military mission requires a different application of those protections," the guidance states. The actions taken regarding the two sailors who engaged in separate protests have not been publicly announced. In late August, a sailor attached to the Naval Air Technical Training Center at Pensacola, Florida, posted a video to Facebook of herself sitting down during the base's morning "colors" ceremony, which quickly received viral attention on the social media platform. Naval Education and Training Command officials confirmed the sailor, who has not been publicly named, had been subject to administrative action, but had been retained for service in the Navy. And Sept. 21, Petty Officer 2nd Class Janaye Ervin, an intelligence specialist based in Hawaii, wrote in a public Facebook post that she was being punished by the Navy for remaining seated for the anthem two days earlier. A spokesman for Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam said only that actions regarding Ervin are under review.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Turkey To Become 1-Year, Unaccompanied Tour
Military and civilian families won’t be returning to Turkey for the foreseeable future, as the Pentagon decided this week to change the status of permanent duty assignments there to one-year, unaccompanied tours, Air Force officials in Europe said Friday. The decision was made Wednesday, when it also went into effect, said Capt. Robert Howard, a spokesman for U.S. Air Forces in Europe–Air Forces Africa. It applies to all Defense Department personnel in Turkey under U.S. European Command authority, Howard said. It does not apply to State Department personnel. “This decision was made in response to continued security concerns in the region –— primarily the risk of terror attacks from militants affiliated with or inspired by” the Islamic State group, Howard said in a statement. It’s intended to mitigate the risk to Defense Department personnel, including family members, “while ensuring the combat effectiveness of U.S. forces and our mission to support operations in Turkey,” Howard said.
Families, he added, should expect “that this tour change will be permanent.” There may be exceptions to the shorter tour length, depending on the mission, Howard said. Those will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The decision to remove families permanently from Turkey essentially makes official what’s already been in place in the country’s volatile southeastern region for the past six months. At the end of March, more than 600 family members of U.S. military and civilian personnel were forced to leave Incirlik Air Base and smaller bases in Izmir and Mugla because of worsening security conditions there. hose families never returned to Turkey. Most by now have either relocated to the States or joined their active-duty spouses at their next duty station. Military officials said at the time that it was unlikely families would return to Turkey in the immediate future, but that determination was subject to Pentagon approval. About 100 Defense Department dependents remain in Turkey at the moment, Howard said. Families at some locations in Turkey, including Ankara, were not subject to the mandatory departure in March.The timeline for their departure hasn’t been determined. At Incirlik, the one-year, unaccompanied tours should begin soon for incoming airmen. “So we are actively doing the transition,” said Col. John Walker, 39th Air Base Wing commander at Incirlik. “The next rotator or the rotator after that, depending on how long it takes to implement, folks are going to start showing up with 12-month assignments.” Walker’s statement was recorded during a “Commander’s Corner Recap,” which was posted on Incirlik’s Facebook site on Friday. For civilians and military personnel already in Turkey, tour length will likely also be curtailed, but there may be exceptions to delay those end dates to ensure continuity of mission and to meet readiness requirements, officials said.
U.S. Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa commander, speaks to members of the 39th Security Forces Squadron during a visit to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey
The security situation in Turkey hasn’t improved since most military and civilian families departed in March. The country was placed under a three-month state of emergency after the attempted coup in July to oust President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Allegations that Pennsylania-based cleric Fethullah Gulen was behind the coup stoked anti-U.S. sentiment and protests against Americans at Incirlik. Turkey has allowed the Air Force to continue flying missions from the country, including air strikes against Islamic State group targets in Syria and Iraq. But the failed coup has threatened to sour ties between Turkey and its Western allies. In the meantime, Turkey remains under a heightened threat of terrorist attacks. The State Department continues to warn U.S. citizens to avoid travel to southeastern Turkey because of increased threats from terrorist groups. Last month, the agency extended voluntary departure of family members assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Ankara and the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul. That departure was to remain in effect until Friday. The Defense Department currently has about 3,700 service members and civilian employees in Turkey, including 2,700 at Incirlik, officials said.
Families, he added, should expect “that this tour change will be permanent.” There may be exceptions to the shorter tour length, depending on the mission, Howard said. Those will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The decision to remove families permanently from Turkey essentially makes official what’s already been in place in the country’s volatile southeastern region for the past six months. At the end of March, more than 600 family members of U.S. military and civilian personnel were forced to leave Incirlik Air Base and smaller bases in Izmir and Mugla because of worsening security conditions there. hose families never returned to Turkey. Most by now have either relocated to the States or joined their active-duty spouses at their next duty station. Military officials said at the time that it was unlikely families would return to Turkey in the immediate future, but that determination was subject to Pentagon approval. About 100 Defense Department dependents remain in Turkey at the moment, Howard said. Families at some locations in Turkey, including Ankara, were not subject to the mandatory departure in March.The timeline for their departure hasn’t been determined. At Incirlik, the one-year, unaccompanied tours should begin soon for incoming airmen. “So we are actively doing the transition,” said Col. John Walker, 39th Air Base Wing commander at Incirlik. “The next rotator or the rotator after that, depending on how long it takes to implement, folks are going to start showing up with 12-month assignments.” Walker’s statement was recorded during a “Commander’s Corner Recap,” which was posted on Incirlik’s Facebook site on Friday. For civilians and military personnel already in Turkey, tour length will likely also be curtailed, but there may be exceptions to delay those end dates to ensure continuity of mission and to meet readiness requirements, officials said.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Farrakhan to Obama: Let Trump Do Want He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks
Sunday at the Men’s Day program hosted at Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington, DC, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said to President Barack Obama, “Your people are suffering and dying in the streets,” of Chicago, so “you failed to do what should have been done.” Farrakhan continued by saying it is time to let Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump do “what he wants to because he is not destroying your legacy.” Farrakhan said, “So you Democrats, you been in their party a long time. Answer me, what did you get? You got a president. He is worried about his legacy. You want Hillary to get in to protect your legacy because Trump said the minute he gets in, he is going to reverse the Affordable Care Act. Because that is your signature achievement. To show you how hateful the enemy is, he hates that you achieve what you did achieve. So he said I’m going to tear it up when I get in.
So he don’t want his legacy destroyed. Mr. President, let the man do, if he get in, what he wants to because he is not destroying your legacy. If your legacy is bound up in an Affordable Care Act that only affects a few million people and they are trying to make it really difficult for those of us who signed up, that’s not your legacy. He continued, “But I just want to tell you, Mr. President, you’re from Chicago, and so am I. I go out in the streets with the people. I visited the worst neighborhoods. I talked to the gangs. And while I was out there talking to them, they said ‘You know, Farrakhan, the president ain’t never come. Could you get him to come and look after us?’ There’s your legacy, Mr. President. It’s in the streets with your suffering people, Mr. President. And If you can’t go and see about them, then don’t worry about your legacy ’cause the white people that you served so well, they’ll preserve your legacy. The hell they will. But you didn’t earn your legacy with us. We put you there. You fought for the rights of gay people. You fought for the rights of this people and that people. You fight for Israel. Your people are suffering and dying in the streets! That’s where your legacy is. Now you failed to do what should have been done.”
Hillary To Drop Out of Race If She Cancels Debate
Alex Jones breaks down how Infowars was given information directly from the secret service back in August detailing Hillary Clinton’s health and was proven right after an amateur photographer captured Hillary collapsing near a 9/11 ceremony in New York. Now Infowars has received information from multiple high level sources detailing that if Hillary fails to show up at the first presidential debate, scheduled to be the biggest in history, the democrats will force her to drop out of the race. The democrats also began holding special meetings to find a possible replacement as media outlets wondered if Clinton would be well enough to continue her campaign.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Rodrigo Duterte, Filipino President, Wants U.S. Out Of Southern Philippines
The Philippine president says he wants all U.S. forces out of his country's south, where they have been advising local troops battling Muslim extremists. Speaking before newly-appointed government officials Monday, Rodrigo Duterte blamed the U.S. for the restiveness of Muslim militants in the region, marking the first time he has publicly opposed the presence of American troops in the country. Duterte did not set any deadline or say how the withdrawal would proceed, but said the Americans were high-value targets for the Islamic State-linked Abu Sayyaf as counterinsurgency operations intensify. “Those special forces, they have to go, they have to go... I do not want a rift with America, but they have to go...It will just get more tense. If they [Muslim militants] see Americans there, they will really kill them.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte says he wants all U.S. forces out of his country's south, where they have been advising local troops battling Muslim extremists.
They will try to get ransom, then kill them," he said. The State Department characterized Duterte's comments as "unhelpful." State Department spokesman John Kirby said, “We're not aware of any official communication by the Philippine government to that effect and to seek that result .... More critically, we are going to remain committed to our alliance commitments in the Philippines.” Duterte's statement came a week after his televised tirade against the U.S. and President Barack Obama, causing Obama to cancel their scheduled bilateral meeting at a summit in Laos. The two, however, later met informally during the summit. Duterte has had a tumultuous relationship with the U.S. since becoming president in June and openly criticized U.S. security policies. During his election campaign, Duterte said he would chart a foreign policy that would not depend on America, the Philippines’ treaty ally. In 2002, the U.S. military deployed troops to train, advise and provide intelligence and weapons to Philippine troops battling the al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines. When U.S. forces withdrew in February 2015, U.S. officials said a smaller contingent of military advisers would stay.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte says he wants all U.S. forces out of his country's south, where they have been advising local troops battling Muslim extremists.
They will try to get ransom, then kill them," he said. The State Department characterized Duterte's comments as "unhelpful." State Department spokesman John Kirby said, “We're not aware of any official communication by the Philippine government to that effect and to seek that result .... More critically, we are going to remain committed to our alliance commitments in the Philippines.” Duterte's statement came a week after his televised tirade against the U.S. and President Barack Obama, causing Obama to cancel their scheduled bilateral meeting at a summit in Laos. The two, however, later met informally during the summit. Duterte has had a tumultuous relationship with the U.S. since becoming president in June and openly criticized U.S. security policies. During his election campaign, Duterte said he would chart a foreign policy that would not depend on America, the Philippines’ treaty ally. In 2002, the U.S. military deployed troops to train, advise and provide intelligence and weapons to Philippine troops battling the al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines. When U.S. forces withdrew in February 2015, U.S. officials said a smaller contingent of military advisers would stay.