U.S. Border Security Alert
The United States Border Patrol is asking citizens to keep on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy that they suspect is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico and into points along the U.S. Border. If you see the vehicle pictured below and have reason to believe that it is the suspect vehicle, you are urged to contact your local police department or the U. S. Border Patrol.
Playboy Publishes Its First 3-D Centerfold
Playboy readers will get an extra eyeful in June when the magazine publishes its first 3-D centerfold. The magazine, which comes out Friday, will come equipped with 3-D glasses to better focus on Playmate of the Year Hope Dworaczyk. "What would people most like to see in 3-D?" asks Playboy founder Hugh Hefner. "Probably a naked lady." The magazine has turned increasingly to gimmicks (such as Marge Simpson on a recent cover) to try to boost circulation, which has tumbled from 3.5 million in 2006 to 1.5 million today.
"The 3-D centerfold is also part of a tie-in with HBO, which is promoting it's show True Blood. The key question: Do the glasses work? "Well, it does kind of look like Dworaczyk is handing you the wine glass she's holding," "And she says the photograph makes everything a little, well, bigger." "It's kind of like it says on the rear view mirror," Dworaczyk jokes. "Things may appear larger." Alas, the 3-D glasses apparently are of little help in reading the articles.
Demonizing Arthritic Tea Partiers