Democratic Loser Threatens Legal Action Because He Lost The Vote, But Won The Polls
A Florida Democrat says he won't concede defeat in his race to unseat Republican Rep. Tom Feeney "until every vote is actually counted." Clint Curtis said he is considering a legal challenge to the election results: "In this election, the results did not match the Zogby pre-election poll, our internal polling, or our exit polling," Curtis explained. "These anomalies need to be investigated and cleared up, not just in my race but for every district where the count just doesn't add up." Curtis says he has informed the election officials in all four counties in Florida's 24th Congressional District that he is considering a challenge. According to a news release put out by his campaign, Curtis "has worked tirelessly for over five years to correct issues in America's broken election system." And now, as a congressional candidate, Curtis finally "has the legal standing to pursue an investigation into the anomalies."
The campaign did not mention any "anomalies" aside from inaccurate polls. Curtis said he plans to examine precinct numbers and personally contact voters, to "tie the voter to the vote." "This will either confirm the official results or indicate discrepancies," he said. His campaign is seeking both money and volunteers to "participate in this historic effort to restore integrity and accuracy" in the electoral process. The campaign said it will ask concerned citizens "to assist in contacting voters." "I can accept that the citizens across the state of Florida were out of step with the rest of the country, as long as we know that this election truly reflects their intent," Curtis said. The Feeney-Curtis race wasn't exactly close: With 100 percent of the precincts reporting, Feeney had 58 percent (123,557 votes) to Curtis's 42 percent (89,672).

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