Chavez Threatens To Halt Oil Exports To US
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez vowed to win the upcoming Dec. 3 election and warned that Venezuela could halt oil exports to the United States if his opponents, joined by the US government, attempt to destabilize his leftist administration. Chavez also reiterated that government opponents are not welcome in the military or the state-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA. A day earlier, he suggested those who do not like his leftist policies should go somewhere else, like Miami.
"If they try to destabilize PDVSA, if the empire and its lackeys in Venezuela attempt another coup, ignore the outcome of the elections or cause election or oil-related upheaval we won't send another drop of oil to the United States," Chavez told oil workers Saturday at PDVSA facilities in the coastal city of Puerto La Cruz, 240 kilometers east of Caracas. Chavez said that US President George W. Bush "had better tie down his crazies here in Venezuela" to prevent a possible end to petroleum exports.

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