Shots Fired Along Korean Border
A South Korean military official says troops fired warning shots after five North Korean soldiers crossed a boundary in the Demilitarized Zone. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the official said it's not clear whether the North Korean troops were trying to provoke a confrontation or just catch fish. He said the incident occurred near a stream and that four of the soldiers were unarmed. The soldiers advanced about 30 yards into the DMZ before retreating. The South Koreans fired about 40 warning shots.
Amid nuclear tension, a North Korean soldier peers past South Korean border guards. They also broadcast warning announcements from speakers positioned along the DMZ. The official said there were no injuries. In other related news, North Korea's neighbors are applauding a United Nations Security Council statement warning the country not to test its first nuclear weapon. The Security Council adopted the statement on Friday warning North Korea of unspecified consequences should it conduct the test. South Korea is urging its communist neighbor to return to long-stalled six-nation talks on ending the North's nuclear weapons program. Japan's Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling it "a grave threat" to the peace and security of northeast Asia. Japan called on the Security Council to impose punitive measures if the test goes forward

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