Businessman Offers A Million Dollars Keep Terri Schiavo Alive
A California man hopes cash will end a right-to-die dispute involving a brain-damaged Florida woman. San Diego-area businessman Robert Herring is offering a million dollars to Terri Schiavo's husband to keep the woman alive. According to a statement released by activist lawyer Gloria Allred, the million-dollar offer is on the table until Monday. Michael Schiavo has obtained a court order to remove his wife's feeding tube March 18th. Herring -- who founded a cable and satellite channel -- has deposited the money into a trust account with Allred's law firm. He says he felt "compelled to act." 
Terri Schindler Schiavo's responses to the doctor's instructions reveal that she is conscious and cognitive. She does perceive and reason. Terri made a monumental effort to demonstrate her cognitive ability in response to the doctor's directions. She did this by purposely exaggerating her responses to make it clear to the doctor that she definitely understood his directions!

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