Something Funny About Muslims
Finding humor in hard places is a specialty of the "Allah Made Me Funny Troupe." That hard place was Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota today, and many Minnesotans found themselves laughing. "The last time you saw a black Muslim this close on television it turned out to be a sniper," said Preacher Moss, a veteran comedian and founder of the troupe. The tour features three Muslim comedian tackling very serious issues, with a sense of humor. "People stare at me and think I was responsible for 9/11...Me? 9/11?...7/11, maybe!" joked comedian Azhar Usman. But shattering the anti-American terrorist image of Muslims using humor is core to the troupe's purpose. "I consider myself a patriotic American Muslim," Usman said. "That means I'd die for this blowing myself up!"
Azhar Usman is one of three comics on the "Allah Made Me Funny Troupe"

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