Well, Do Tell...
Well do tell its hot over here on po me, the Sun God is angry.Now, about politics and the Middle East crisis. All Christians and those who profess to be a Christian should be watching what is going on in the Middle East conflict. The end of times, the end of days is at hand, see the book of Revelations and recall the War Of Armageddon (Har-Magedon) Rev:16:14-16, there is talk about the Bear, the Eagle,The Lion,The Dragon,and the Scarlet Whore,and those who take side with Israel will be destroyed at that great battle. Now, The Lion is England, The Bear is Russia,The Dragon is China,The Eagle is America, the scarlet whore is Rome and the catholic church, did I upset you,sorry 'bout that. I beg you to look at the symbolics names of those countries or their emblems or symbols. Look at where the war is being played out today, and just about thirty miles from the ancient city or plains of Megiddo in Israel where Egypt was defeated in Biblical times by the army of Israel. Now, don't think that I am right, I will not say that I am right, but I am trying to get you to think critically and to form your own ideas and opinions about these current events. I am saying to you do not let the world media make you think that those who are hell bent on destroying the world for some sick belief are right and just. If you look at the media spin with a blind eye and a closed mind you will come to believe that Israel is the bastard, they are occupies of Arab lands, well when I checked the Bible Israel have just as much right to the land as the Arabs,start with Genesis and come on down to the New Testament and Jesus, now you see that Israel is not a new kid on the block. The U.N said Israel's attacks against transportation infrastructure violate international law and is totally disproportionate, so did France,China and a few others. Now the March 11 2004 train bombing in Madrid,Spain by Muslim radicals killed over 200 people. The London train Bombing on July 12,2005 by Muslim radicals killed more than 100. The October 12,2002 bombing in Bali by Muslim radicals killed over 200, the Mumbai, India train bombing on July 11,2006, by Muslim radicals killed over 200. The theater shooting of over 100 innocent people watching a movie on March 11,2004 in Chechnya,Russia by Muslim radicals, the November 4,2005 riots, killing,looting, and burning of Paris,France by Muslim radicals,on August 7, 1998, the United States embassies in the East African capital cities of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, were severely damaged in nearly simultaneous truck bomb attacks, by Muslim radicals, over 250 innocent people killed, the World Trade Center bombing on September 11, 2001 by Muslim radicals killed over 3000 innocent people, now tell me is Israel attack against Muslim radicals totally disproportionate. The Muslim radical came across the Gaza border,and the Lebanon border and killed several soldiers of Israel,and kidnapped three soldiers, and Israel did not say lets talk and negotiate and reach a compromise ,rather Israel attacked,and said there is no talking,,just whupping. More importantly, there are several attacks on the 11th of the month that should be taken into consideration, the World Trade Center, the Madrid train bombing, the bombing in India,the Chechnya shooting. There are dots to connect that show that they are all connected and it does not matter if Osama Bin Laden group or Hezbollah, or Hamas did it or not, they are all Muslims and share the same belief, if you are not a Muslim, you die, if you do not live in a cave or mud hut you die, if you do not bath and wash your clothes in a stream you die, if you do not use olive oil lamps to light your homes you die, if you do not use camel dung to heat your homes you die, if you do not ride a camel you die, if you do not cook your meals on a camp fire you die, if you watch MTV you die, if you watch ESPN you die, if you do not use a flush toilet and crap in a hole in the ground behind a bush and wipe with grass you die. Now, for Israel to step up and say enough is enough and lets roll with it,and start to waxing the boards of the terrorists,and taking it home to them, Israel is the devil incarnate, the bastard child and need to be spanked by the United Nation, I think not. I think every one should come on board and support Israel and give the people of Israel a hand for having heart, a hand for doing what the world should have done a long time ago, spank that butt and take it home to them, the terrotists .Now Israel is a coward, but who is hiding behind masks, staging weapons in school yards, hospitals, apartment buildings,caves, holes in the ground, and people places of business, and most of all in someone else country. Israel is right down front and in the open and is unmasked. Now last thing to show you how sick, depraved, and inter connected the Muslims are, check this out, one man in Lebanon, Fadi Haidar, 36, cleaning away broken glass at his appliance shop, which had an estimated $15,000 in damage from an Israeli bombing, said," Israel is our enemy and every Muslim must make a sacrifice. As time goes by, they will all realize that Sayyed Nasrallah, the leader and spokesman for Hezbollah is right and is working in the interest of Muslims all over the world". Is is in the interest of Muslims to kill innocent people all over the world?

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