Sunday, June 04, 2006

Westboro Baptist Church Absent From Marine's Funeral

No one picketed the funeral for Marine Lance Corporal Robert Posivio the Third.But 400 leather-clad bikers holding American flags showed up just in case. A church group known for protesting military funerals was expected to picket but didn't. Westboro Baptist Church claims God is punishing America for accepting homosexuality. Their arrival would have tested a new Minnesota law that pushes funeral protests 500 feet away from the service.But instead of protesters, Posivio's family saw flags, tattoos, and leather. The bikers were allowed on the street outside the church because the family wanted them there. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty attended the funeral and thanked the bikers for being there.The 22-year-old Lance Corporal Posivio was from the Sherburn area. He died May 23rd in Iraq when a roadside bomb hit the Humvee in which he was riding. He was on his third tour in Iraq.