The courts are about to be taken to court themselves this week when the request to letMuslims swear in under oath on a Quranversus aBiblewill take place in a North Carolina courtroom. The GreensboroIslamic Center donated copies of the Quranto Guilford County and were rejected.W. Douglas Albright, Guilford'sSenior Resident Superior Court judge tells the Associated Press, "An oath on the Quran is not a lawful oath under our law."The state's judges will be meeting at a conference this week in Asheville and Wrightsville Beach to discuss the situation.Syidah Mateen, who tried to donate theMuslim terror bookssays, "This is a diverse world, and everybody does not worship or believe the same."And just because the Quran influences its Followers to kill Americans doesnt mean we should dismiss it out of hand.
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