Army Deserter To Visit US After 40 Years
A coward who deserted his Army unit and fled to North Korea has left his home in northern Japan to visit the United States. It will be Charles Jenkins' first trip back to the U-S in four decades. He's scheduled to fly to Washington with his two daughters Tuesday after spending a night in Tokyo. Jenkins says he has no intention of moving back to the U-S but he would like to see his 91-year-old mother, who lives in a North Carolina nursing home. Jenkins turned himself in and served 25 days in a U-S military jail in Japan last year after a court-martial. After spending decades in North Korea, Jenkins had moved to Japan nearly a year ago to be with his Japanese wife. His plight made headlines in Japan because his wife had been kidnapped by North Korean agents in 1978. 
Charles Jenkins, deserted his Army unit 40 years ago and fled to North Korea, right, and his Japanese wife Hitomi Soga prepare to board a ship at a port in Sado, northern Japan. The two are en route to the U.S. for his first visit since turning himself in.

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